We Work Directly with Local Fire Departments

We follow all NFPA-160-10 regulations & guidelines, required by most Fire Departments. Performers are individually insured by Specialty Insurance Agency.

Fire Safety Protocol.

The Cloud Nine Fire Show LLC and all of its performers are fully trained in fire safety, and in their skill sets. Safety is our number one priority and by following these protocols our team ensures that the performers, audience and premises are safe at all times.

*Each Cloud Nine performer is a professional in their respective crafts and each one is fully insured through Specialty Insurance Agency to perform with open flame in front of an audience.*

Before stepping onto the stage for any performance, first make sure you are mentally and physically prepared to perform. Cloud Nine performers will NEVER handle fire while under the influence of any substance. Performers consuming alcohol on site is strictly prohibited.

There are four essential safety rules to follow for any Cloud Nine Fire Show performance:

  1. ALWAYS have 1 fire safety for every 2 performers.

    • Our fire safety/safeties are equipped with the appropriate materials to put out flames (fire blanket, damp cotton towel, fire extinguisher, etc.) and wear fire-safe clothing and accessories.

    • Always have a fire safety personnel, fire extinguisher(s), fire safety blanket, and good lighting at the dip station at all times.

    • During the performance, fire safeties should be exclusively focused on maintaining the safety of performers and audience members.

    • Fire safeties are ready to intervene if any audience members attempt to enter the performance area. Reminder: any audience participation when fire is present is NOT allowed.

    • Discuss a communication plan with your fire safeties before each performance so all parties know what to do in case of an unintended fire.

    • Have a “safe word” that the fire safety person shouts out to the performer to alert them they are on fire, e.g., “Pat Right Leg.” When spinning in a fire circle with multiple performers, a good rule of thumb is one fire safety per two performers.

  2. Establish 3 separate and clearly defined areas: Performance area, fueling station, and prop spin-off zone.

    • Ensure your performance area is a clearly defined space separate from the audience/general public.

    • Ensure your fuel station and spin-off zone are a safe distance from your audience and performance area. The fuel station should be closely monitored anytime fuel is present.

    • At the fuel station, there are Ziploc bags for squeezing off or for the safe spin-off of wicks, and a fine nozzle squirt bottle for accurately fueling props. All of these items are securely stored in a bright, labeled container. It is important to squeeze off your wicks to avoid spit-off into the crowd, the performer, or onto the stage/surrounding environment.

    • Have a secure table space for props to cool off after they have burned out; avoid taking any hot props back to the fuel station.

    • Never smoke or have an open flame in the fuel storage area. Keep all fuel in sealed metal containers.

    • Any fuel not actively being used should be stored in sealed metal containers.

    • Never spin off your props inside unless you first wrap the wicks in Ziploc bags to collect the excess fuel. After spinning off your prop, you should always pour the collected excess fuel back into sealed metal containers.

  3. Familiarize yourself with the event location and check for possible hazards before every performance.

    • Upon arrival at your event/venue, set the locations for your performance, fueling, and spin-off zones. Be sure to check the performance location for flammables or hazards. Be aware of uneven terrain, low-hanging trees, dry leaves, etc.

    • If performing outside, be sure to assess wind conditions and adjust performances as necessary to ensure the safety of the performers, audience, and venue.

    • Always know your emergency exit route in case of emergency.

    • Familiarize yourself with any local fire bans or regulations/permits that may be required and research the venue's rules and regulations for fire performances. Receive clearance from the local fire department.

    • If you’re not comfortable with weather or event/venue conditions, do not perform with fire.

  4. Ensure your equipment, costuming, fuels, and physical/mental state are ready for each performance.

    • Equipment: Check props to ensure they are safe for performance prior to every show.

    • Costuming: Wear natural fibers and/or fire-resistant clothes (Examples Include 100% Cotten, or Bamboo Clothing). Beware of synthetic fabrics that will melt when touched by a flame. When using hair or makeup products, always check the bottle for any high flammability risks (e.g., hairspray, synthetic eyelashes, etc.).

    • Fuel: Appropriate fuels for fire performers include but are not limited to: lighter fluid, Coleman camping fuel (white gas), isopropyl alcohol, denatured alcohol, and paraffin/lamp oil/kerosene. Never use automotive gasoline (petrol).

    • Physical/mental state: Before stepping onto the stage for any performance, first make sure you are mentally and physically prepared to perform. NEVER handle fire while under the influence.